CHARNEY HALL Hubert Podmore

Updated 12 May 2024 : post completed

Tilak sent me earlier details of a portrait of Hubert Podmore found at Rugby School. He taught there and ‘findinglouis1916’ has posted an interesting article about him. This includes some information that we already know about. However Hubert deserves space here so in preparation for a future post here is the portrait. 

About the artist : William Edwards Miller (1851-1940) 
He was primarily a society portrait painter but also known
as an antiquarian horological collector. This painting is
dated 1918 so it is highly probable that William painted it
postumously from a photograph (perhaps as a memorial)

Documents added 12 May 2024: 

This is the cross marking the original grave in Flanders
and can be viewed in the North Aisle at St Paul’s Church, Grange



Tilak Paul said…
This is a wonderful and very sad but necessary and thought provoking post by Keith with the details of Hubert Podmore’s brilliant Scholastic achievements and War Service Record and life and supported by the pictures of the actual Headstone and also the original Wooden Cross in St Paul’s Church in Grange.

Acquaintances of mine at St Bees School and also friends have visited the British and Commonwealth War Grave Cemeteries on the Continent and have brought back personal and emotional stories of their visits and has prompted this Charney Old Boy to consider such a similar visit one day as a priority.

In this day of Jet Age travel where one “does not blink an eyelid” as regards travelling half way across the Earth for holidays and other adventures it would be wonderful to hear from a person reading this post with better knowledge who would be able to confirm whether Mr or Mrs Podmore or a Family Member or Relative were able to visit and view their Son’s Grave in Belgium.

It is with regret that during my 4 years at Charney Hall when attending the Sunday Church Services that I did not pay more attention to the Wooden Cross hanging on the Wall in the North Aisle at St Paul’s Church and the Story behind it.
Keith Smith said…
I would second that Tilak. In my brief researches regarding both World Wars I am constantly reminded of Man’s intolerance to Man and the millions who died because of it. It’s high time we grew up and invested in peace not war.
john cranna said…
It was not until that chap who visited Cumbrian War memorials and he came across Charney Hall that the whole story of the Podmores came into my view. And there was a wo derful thread where we learnt of his war record but also the gentleness that comes across in his portrait in a time when life was anything but gentle.

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