CHARNEY HALL Fire Practice
Rev 30 Dec 2023 ‘MD loses his Trousers’ added Fire Practice The provision of a separate staircase for escape in case of fire was neither considered nor indeed would it have been mandatory when the new school building was built in 1888/9. Running down narrow timber stair flights from the second floor was not an option. And so one day it was announced that the whole school would attend a fire escape drill....The strange contraption fixed onto the reveal of the window at the end of the second floor dormitory corridor had not really been given much attention until that fateful day. All that could be seen was a slotted, drum shaped aluminium cover beneath which appeared to be wound a thin hemp rope apparently reinforced with steel windings. There were undoubtedly printed instructions fixed to the wall but nobody had taken the trouble to relate these to this primitive machinery. And so it was that we were lined up in single file down the second floor corridor, some 25f...